Welcome to Your Family Asset

Welcome to Trusts: Your Guide to Financial Security


Imagine trusts as the ultimate caretakers of your wealth—whether it’s money, investments, or properties. They come in different types, each with unique tax implications. In the trust world, we have three key players:

The Settlor

The visionary who entrusts assets into the care of the trust.

The Trustee

The steward who oversees and manages the trust.

The Beneficiary

The fortunate soul who reaps the benefits of the trust’s assets.

Why Trusts Matter

Trusts serve a multitude of purposes, from safeguarding family assets to ensuring smooth transitions during life’s unexpected twists and turns. They’re there to:

Protect Family Legacies

Provide for minors or those unable to manage their affairs

Facilitate seamless asset transfer during your lifetime

Facilitate asset distribution according to your wishes after your passing

The Settlor’s Role

As the architect of the trust, the settlor shapes its purpose and design, usually outlined in a document called the ‘trust deed’. In some cases, the settlor may also enjoy benefits from the trust’s assets, leading to what we call a ‘settlor-interested’ trust, which carries unique tax implications. Learn more about different trust types for further insights.

Responsibilities of Trustees

Trustees are the legal guardians of trust assets, entrusted with several crucial responsibilities:

Fulfilling the settlor’s wishes as outlined in the trust deed or will

Overseeing day-to-day trust operations and handling tax matters

Making informed decisions regarding asset management and investment

Even if trustees change, the trust endures, albeit with the requirement of at least one trustee to keep things running smoothly.

Who Benefits?

The beauty of trusts lies in their ability to benefit a wide array of individuals or groups. Whether it’s generating income from trust assets or accessing capital at crucial life stages, beneficiaries stand to gain from the trust’s provisions.

We are located:

4 Baxter Court, High Baxter Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1ES


020 8498 0960

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